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Saturday, May 3, 2014

Important Tips To Get The Best Of Blogging With WordPress (Part I)

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If you are a new blogger and have doubts on how to work on Wordpress, this blog actually will help you. Wordpress at times might get a little difficult to understand and learn as a blogging platform. And, if you are not very acquainted with the platform, you might find it a little overwhelming. This blog aims at helping you with some very important tips that if kept in mind while blogging, it will make your blog look even more professional. So when you want to create a Wordpress website or website con

Make it different:
It is very important to use a different design as against the other blogs on Wordpress. The easier designs might save you some time, however it might not make a very good impression on your viewers. Try to make sure that the site stands out in the crowd of other sites.
Tip: Try creating a site that showcases the individuality of your business. Choosing a design that looks like any other WordPress site will make your website look common and simple. You should focus on creating a great different impression on the visitors for your website.

Use Video Blogging option:
A picture speaks a thousand words, a video speaks even more. Wordpress can help you create a video blogging on your site. You might want to do some preparation for that, however, you will find its absolutely worth it.
Tip: You need to know the options and tools that the platform flaunts. So take some time and learn them. The knowledge and familiarity with the blogging platform, might give you an edge over the other websites, ensuring a familiarity with different features of the platform, helping you make an improved web page.

Keep cleaning the site:
The content and comments on the site, if they do not add value to the website, you might want to remove them. The simple and main use of this is o ensure that the site remains user-friendly to the people who actually visit the site to read the content or get indulged.
Tip: Do not keep unnecessary content or comment on your page. This will make the site look cleaner and help it become more user-friendly.

Optimize the images:
If your posts get a lot of comments, ensure that you add page numbers to the section. This is important because you cannot always go through all these comments and adding the page numbers will ensure, there is a better navigation of the page. Optimizing the images on the other hand will ensure that the page rank gets a boost on the search engines.
Tip: Try using and alt text tags and titles. Optimizing images that you upload on the blogging site can enhance your site page rank.

There is a complete multiplicity of tips that could help you use your Wordpress blog to the best of it ability, mentioning all of them will need us to come up with a Part-II of the same blog. So here is a link for part II of same blog.

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