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Wednesday, January 8, 2014

How to Secure Your Wordpress Site With the Help of Few Simple Steps

The recent past has seen wordpress blog customization becoming an even more widespread an idea than it was ever before. The blogging platform has been able to help many bloggers achieve their dreams. Therefore, if you are more of a person looking for a great wordpress hosting, it is highly advisable that you take up wordpress customization services.

Now, while having a wordpress site, the one thing that you would never want to have is, get your wordpress site targeted and attacked by the hackers. Now, with hacking becoming a more widespread concept, wordpress open source has become one of the most targeted blogging platforms. This is why securing them has become very important if you wish to use them best. There are many ways, many of them very easy to follow, which could be used to secure these sites. Below mentioned are few of the things that could be done to make sure that your wordpress blogging site is safe and secure from such malicious hackers.

Latest Version:
The first step in order to make sure that do not become a victim of such malicious activities is always make sure you have the latest version of the wordpress and plugins. This is mainly because most often they come with all the latest solutions for the vulnerabilities that are common and obvious, with the hackers.

Do Not Make the Versions Visible:
The next thing that you should be doing in order to make sure that your site is safe from the hackers is hide the version that you are using from them. There is a simple command, which if deleted will hide the version; make sure you get some professional to do it for you.

Make Efforts to Secure it:
The next thing that you need to do is make sure that you use one of the most secure themes of wordpress and delete the inactive or the old ones. You also need to ensure that you secure and enable wordpress file permissions. This can be done by a plethora of different ways, pick the one that you like best.

Security Plugins are a Good Option:
All the fear and panic that leads to a hack, has ensured developers indulging a million different ways to ensure safety and security of the sites. There are complete plethoras of options available in plugins for website security that allows you options to choose from. The plugins each are designed with advantages and special features that are mainly there to help you with your individual different needs. Now, you also need to make sure that you keep them continuously updated, thus making sure it identifies the latest vulnerabilities and has fixes for them.

Strong and Secure Login is Required:

It is important that you make sure you have a very strong username and password that secures the access to your admin directory in wordpress. Ensuring a good combination of capital letters, small letters, numbers and symbols in the password and trying to make the password at least ten characters long is a very good security option.

Hackers have defenses that are far stronger as compared to the website owners trying to block the attempt. However, making an effort from your end could definitely help by making it harder for the hackers. Worth a try!!!

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