Some people want to learn WordPress blog creation, some want to know about WordPress web development, some are advanced users may be developers so they need to know about latest trends in WordPress. There are different ways to keep yourself engaged in WordPress stuff like subscribe newsletters from different authorized WordPress sites, you can subscribe them through RSS feeds, get involved into official communities or forums, join their social media groups, follow their social media pages or profiles etc. Social media & networking in today's world is making education and training easier with easy information sharing ways. People love to follow groups, communities, pages and people who are truly knowledgeable in the field of their interest.
Today I am sharing some of the must follow Twitter profiles if you are connected to WordPress in any way and want to get latest news info or basics about WordPress:
1. @wordpressdotcom: Get the latest buzz from (that's the hosted version). You can think of its popularity by the huge number of followers (1,000,468 on 19 Dec 2013).
2. WordPress @WordPress: It's the official WordPress Twitter profile for getting latest news or burning topics info on (that's the self-hosted version).
3. WordPress Beginner @wpbeginner: It's the unofficial Twitter profile for WordPress tips, tricks and resources. People want to learn or are learning WordPress development, they should follow it.
4. Joost de Valk @yoast: It's the Twitter profile of founder of Yoast, Yoast is famous for being an excellent SEO plugin. Get connect to them for they share some nice stuff about WordPress.
5. All WordPress news @allWordpress: Get aware about any news on WordPress. Overall it's not a bad Twitter profile to follow when you have official WordPress Twitter profiles.
6. WordPress Freelance @wpfreelance: You can have nice information with this profile as some great themes, plugins and some stories are shared on this profile.
7. Matt Mullenweg @photomatt: Matt Mullenweg is an American online social media entrepreneur who also provides some great stuff on WordPress and some social media stuff related to WordPress.
There are many other profiles or people on Twitter which you may follow for better news updates on WordPress. I may be not including some profiles which can get you better info about WordPress you can mention them in comments. I would love to include them in my next blog.
Source: TalentsFromIndia, find us on Google +
Today I am sharing some of the must follow Twitter profiles if you are connected to WordPress in any way and want to get latest news info or basics about WordPress:
1. @wordpressdotcom: Get the latest buzz from (that's the hosted version). You can think of its popularity by the huge number of followers (1,000,468 on 19 Dec 2013).
2. WordPress @WordPress: It's the official WordPress Twitter profile for getting latest news or burning topics info on (that's the self-hosted version).
3. WordPress Beginner @wpbeginner: It's the unofficial Twitter profile for WordPress tips, tricks and resources. People want to learn or are learning WordPress development, they should follow it.
4. Joost de Valk @yoast: It's the Twitter profile of founder of Yoast, Yoast is famous for being an excellent SEO plugin. Get connect to them for they share some nice stuff about WordPress.
5. All WordPress news @allWordpress: Get aware about any news on WordPress. Overall it's not a bad Twitter profile to follow when you have official WordPress Twitter profiles.
6. WordPress Freelance @wpfreelance: You can have nice information with this profile as some great themes, plugins and some stories are shared on this profile.
7. Matt Mullenweg @photomatt: Matt Mullenweg is an American online social media entrepreneur who also provides some great stuff on WordPress and some social media stuff related to WordPress.
There are many other profiles or people on Twitter which you may follow for better news updates on WordPress. I may be not including some profiles which can get you better info about WordPress you can mention them in comments. I would love to include them in my next blog.
Source: TalentsFromIndia, find us on Google +